Column Buffers: CREB


Bases buffer is Buffer C (as per Schroter) (as per SRF) (pg. 27).

                  20 mM Hepes pH 7.9

                  0.1% NP40

                  0.2 mM EDTA

                  20% glycerol


Lysis buffer: 0.75 M KCl


Need buffers containing 0, 0.1 M, 0.6 M and 1.0 M KCL in addition to 0.3 M, 1.5 M and 2.0 used in SRF purification (pg. 27).


Column Buffers

              Make 500 ml equivalent of base buffer:

                           10 ml 1 M Hepes pH 7.9

                           100 ml 10% glycerol

                           5 ml 10% NP40 (or 5.0 ml 300 mM octyl glucoside)

                           200 µl 0.5 EDTA

                           115.2 ml /5 = 23 ml




1 M KCl

2.5 M KCl



For 0 KCL

46 ml



154 ml

= 200 ml

For 0.1 M KCl

23 ml

10 ml


67 ml

= 100 ml

For 0.6 M KCL

23 ml

60 ml or

24 ml

17 or 53 ml

= 100 ml

For 1.0 M KCl

23 ml


40 ml

37 ml

= 100 ml



For final lysis buffer add: /10 ml prior to use.

                  20 µl 1 M DTT = 2.0 mM

                  25 µl 0.2 M PMSF = 0.5 mM

                  10 µl 1 mg/ml pepstatin = 1 µg/ml

                  10 µl leupeptin = 1 µg/ml

                  100 µl 10 KU/ml trasalol = 100 U/ml

                  10 µl 0.1 M Na Orthovalol = 0.1 mM

                  10 µl 0.1 M Am Molybdase = 0.1 mM

                  500 µl NaF at 1 M = 50 mM


Add above to 0 + 0.1 M KCl buffers also prior to use.

Add DTT, PMSF, Na Ortho & Molyb. to rest of buffers prior to use.


Storage buffer for column

For 500 ml

10 mM Tris ph 7.5

5 ml of 1 M

0.3 M NaCl

150 ml 1 M or 60 ml 2.5 M


1 ml of 0.5 M

0.02% NaN3

1 ml of 10%



CREB Column - Purification Trial #1


Sample #5-C4Ð1Ð1 (pg. 25) lysed in 4.5 ml (3 vol.) 0.75 M KCl + Buffer C (188 x 106 cells)


Thawed on ice


Thawed sample


Prepared CaRE columns


Flow rate was consistent and even over entire column run at 1.0 ml 5 min.


Eluted with 4 x 2.0 ml (1 vol) 0.3 m KCl + Buffer C.

                  "                "                "                0.6 M   "                "               

                  "                "                "                1.0 M   "                "               

                  "                "                "                1.5 M   "                "               

                  "                "                "                2.0 M   "                "               


Sample loaded at 9:30 - first pars by 10:30, second by 11:30.


Rinsed column with 2 additional volumes 2.0 M.

Rinsed column with 5 volumes storage buffer and sealed off.

100 µl aliquots of each fraction were saved separately.

All samples were frozen on dry ice immediately.

50 µl of each sample were TCA ppt (25 µl of load; FT + pellet).

On ice 1 + h.

Pelleted 15 min, TCA removed.

Pellets nearly invisible.

Washed with 250 µl ether.

Pellet 15 min, remove ether, vacuum dry.

Resuspend in 20 µl dH20.

Then added 20 µl 2X fresh SDS buffer - made in plastic, ME added last before use.

Pellet volumes seemed to correlate with expected fractions.

Wash fractions - observed gradual decreases in size of pellet as increase in time of wash so by #9 - not much pellet left.

0.3 M were pretty heavy pellets.

0.6 M - smaller pellets.

1.0 M - nice pellet in #2 fraction!!!

1.5 M + 2.0 M - almost no pellet.

Might help to increase carrier to 20 µg/ppt.


Samples boiled 3 min and loaded onto 8.5% acrylamide gels.

Loaded 1/2 sample, 25 µl equivalent of cell fractions and 6.25 µl equivalent of load, flow thru, and pellet fractions (1/4).


Gels: 2Ð8.5% SDS-Page


23 ml 30% acrylamide

3.33 ml 30% acrylamide

30 ml 1M Tris pH 8.8

2.50 ml 1 M Tris pH 6.8

26.2 ml dH20

14.0 dH20

0.8 ml 10% SDS

0.2 ml 10% SDS

460 µl 10% APS

100 µl 10% APS

50 µl TEMED

20 µl TEMED