Macros For Data Analysis in Excel
The macro below can be pasted directly into the Visual Basic Editor of Excel - any problems contact me -
Trapezoid Method for Integrated Area Dissociation Curve Analysis
Trapezoid Method for Integrated Area
This macro was written to determine the approximate area and peak response of the curve for agonist-induced Ca2+ responses.
Sub aaa_trapezoid()
'written 07-30-02
' by John Bradley
setpoint = 10 'this point is included in calculating the baseline not the integration
bline = 8 ' number of points in the baseline calculation
undercurve = 8 ' number of points to be used in trapezoid area calculation
output = 30 ' output row on sheet
numbcells = 5 ' number of columns across sheet to be calculated
For across = 1 To numbcells
adder = 0: adder2 = 0
sumx = 0: sumy = 0: sumprodxy = 0: sumxsquare = 0
a = 0: b = 0: diff = 0: trap_area = 0: base_av = 0
'regression fit for baseline
For up = (setpoint - bline + 1) To setpoint
sumy = sumy + ActiveCell.Cells(up, 1 + across)
sumx = sumx + ActiveCell.Cells(up, 1)
sumprodxy = sumprodxy + (ActiveCell.Cells(up, 1 + across) * ActiveCell.Cells(up, 1))
sumxsquare = sumxsquare + (ActiveCell.Cells(up, 1) * ActiveCell.Cells(up, 1))
Next up
atop = (sumy * sumxsquare) - (sumx * sumprodxy)
abot = (bline * sumxsquare) - (sumx * sumx)
a = atop / abot
btop = (bline * sumprodxy) - (sumx * sumy)
bbot = (bline * sumxsquare) - (sumx * sumx)
b = btop / bbot
base_av = sumy / bline
' ActiveCell.Cells(39, 1) = sumx
' ActiveCell.Cells(40, 1) = sumy
' ActiveCell.Cells(41, 1) = sumprodxy
' ActiveCell.Cells(41, 3) = sumxsquare
' ActiveCell.Cells(42, 3) = a
' ActiveCell.Cells(43, 3) = b
'calculate area under curve by subtracting expected baseline from actual value
max_peak_ratio = 0
For down = setpoint To setpoint + undercurve
' diff = ActiveCell.Cells(down, across + 1) - base
' adder = adder + diff
peakratio = (ActiveCell.Cells(down, across + 1) / base_av)
base = (b * ActiveCell.Cells(down, 1)) + a
base2 = (b * ActiveCell.Cells(down + 1, 1)) + a
leftside = ActiveCell.Cells(down, across + 1) - base
rightside = ActiveCell.Cells(down + 1, across + 1) - base2
trap_area = ((leftside + rightside) / 2) * (ActiveCell.Cells(down + 1, 1) - ActiveCell.Cells(down, 1))
adder = adder + trap_area
' diff = ActiveCell.Cells(down, across + 1) - base
' adder2 = adder2 + diff
If peakratio > max_peak_ratio Then
max_peak_ratio = peakratio
End If
Next down
ActiveCell.Cells(output, across + 1) = base_av
ActiveCell.Cells(output + 1, across + 1) = adder
ActiveCell.Cells(output + 2, across + 1) = max_peak_ratio
Next across
ActiveCell.Cells(output, 1) = "average bseline"
ActiveCell.Cells(output + 1, 1) = "trapezoid area"
ActiveCell.Cells(output + 2, 1) = "peak response"
ActiveCell.Cells(output + 4, 1) = "baseline number ="
ActiveCell.Cells(output + 4, 3) = bline
ActiveCell.Cells(output + 5, 1) = "undercurve number ="
ActiveCell.Cells(output + 5, 3) = undercurve
End Sub
This macro is used to sort out dissocitation curve data from the real-time pcr machine - following the dissociation curve analysis to check for primer dimers.
Sub dissociation_curve_analysis()
cwt = 0: wells = 0
y = 1
adder = -1
go = True
Dim lots(96) As Integer
Dim wellname(100) As Variant
Dim differential(100, 500) As String
Do Until cwt > 6
a = ActiveCell.Cells(y, 1).Value
sybr2 = ActiveCell.Cells(y + 2, 7).Value
sybr = ActiveCell.Cells(y + 1, 7).Value
timed2 = ActiveCell.Cells(y + 2, 2).Value
timed = ActiveCell.Cells(y + 1, 2).Value
If go = True Then
adder = adder + 1
differential(wells, adder) = ((sybr2 - sybr) / (timed2 - timed)) * -1
End If
If a = "" And go = True Then
lots(wells) = adder - 1
End If
If a = "" Then
cwt = cwt + 1
go = False
adder = 0
End If
If a = "Well" Then
cwt = 0
wells = wells + 1
go = True
wellname(wells) = ActiveCell.Cells(y + 1, 1).Value
End If
y = y + 1
'ActiveCell.Cells(y, 15).Value = adder
For toot = 1 To 96
ActiveCell.Cells(1, toot).Value = "Well " & wellname(toot)
For hh = 1 To lots(toot)
ActiveCell.Cells(hh + 3, toot).Value = differential(toot, hh)
Next hh
Next toot
End Sub